CLI Reference¶
The Handel command-line interface should be run in a directory with a handel.yml file.
It defines three commands: check, deploy, and delete
handel check¶
Validates that a given Handel configuration is valid.
Note that this does not validate against account-level settings, such as Requiring Tags.
handel check does not accept parameters.
handel deploy¶
Validates and deploys the resources in a given environment.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
-c <value> | string | Yes | Path to account config or base64 encoded JSON string of config | |
-e <env>[,<env>] | comma-separated list | Yes | List of environments from the handelfile to deploy. | |
-d | boolean (present or not present) | No | false | If set, turns on debug-level logging. |
-t <key>=<value>[,<key>=<value>] | comma-separated list of key-value pairs | No | List of tags to apply to all resources in the handelfile. These override any static tags set in the handelfile. |
handel delete¶
Deletes all resources in a given environment.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
-c <value> | string | Yes | Path to account config or base64 encoded JSON string of config | |
-e <env>[,<env>] | comma-separated list | Yes | List of environments from the handelfile to delete. | |
-d | boolean (present or not present) | No | false | If set, turns on debug-level logging. |
-y | boolean (present or not present) | No | false | If set, Handel will not prompt for confirmation of the delete action. |