Handel Deployment Logs

For internal use as well as an audit trail, Handel writes some information regarding the deployment and deletion of a Handel environment to a DynamoDB table named: handel-deployment-logs.

Log Entry Structure

After every deployment and every deletion for each environment, Handel will put an entry into the handel-deployment-logs DynamoDB table.

Field Key Type Description
AppName Partition Key String The application name being deployed/deleted
EnvAction Sort Key String A combination of EnvironmentName, Lifecycle and timestamp
Lifecycle   String “deploy” or “delete”
EnvironmentName   String The environment that was deployed or deleted (i.e. “dev” or “prd”)
DeploymentStartTime   Number The timestamp in milliseconds (since the epoc) of when the deployment/deletion was initiated
DeploymentEndTime   Number The timestamp in milliseconds (since the epoc) of when the deployment/deletion finished
DeploymentStatus   String “success” or “failure”
DeploymentMessage   String Success or failure message
ApplicationTags   JSON Object A JSON representation of the application tags applied to each resource in the handel file
EnvironmentContents   JSON Object A JSON representation of the environment’s Handel services that were deployed or deleted

Here’s an example deployment entry:

    "AppName": "test-app",
    "EnvAction": "dev:deploy:1536357426736",
    "Lifecycle": "deploy",
    "EnvironmentName": "dev",
    "DeploymentStartTime": 1536357268101,
    "DeploymentEndTime": 1536357426736,
    "DeploymentStatus": "success",
    "DeploymentMessage": "Success",
    "ApplicationTags": {
        "app": "test-app",
        "team": "The-Cool-Team"
    "EnvironmentContents": {
        "my-lambda": {
            "type": "lambda",
            "path_to_code": ".",
            "handler": "index.handler",
            "runtime": "nodejs6.10"
            "dependencies": [
        "my-db": {
            "type": "mysql",
            "database_name": "test_db",
            "mysql_version": "5.6.27"