EFS (Elastic File System)

This page contains information about using the EFS (Elastic File System) service in Handel. This service provides an EFS mount for use by other compute services such as ElasticBeanstalk and ECS.

Service Limitations

No Update Support

This service intentionally does not support updates. Once a file system is created, updates to it (like changing the performance mode) will cause a new file system to be created and the old one deleted. In an effort to avoid unwanted data loss, we don’t update this service automatically.


Parameter Type Required Default Description
type string Yes   This must always be efs for this service type.
performance_mode string No general_purpose What kind of performance for the EFS mount. Allowed values: general_purpose, max_io
tags Resource Tags No   Any tags you wish to apply to this EFS mount.

Example Handel File

version: 1

name: my-efs-app

      type: efs
      performance_mode: general_purpose
        mytag: myvalue

Depending on this service

The EFS service outputs the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Description
<SERVICE_NAME>_MOUNT_DIR The directory on the host where the EFS volume was mounted.

See Environment Variable Names for information about how the service name is included in the environment variable name.

Events produced by this service

The EFS service does not produce events for other Handel services to consume.

Events consumed by this service

The EFS service does not consume events from other Handel services.